Screening Babylon

18 August - 19:00

Screening Babylon

By : Bar Bario & METRO54

We would like to invite you to watch an interesting and eye-opening film with us, that came out of the UK in the 1980's.

The film, Franco Rosso's Babylon, was banned in both the UK and the U.S. after its release, for fear of inciting riots and violence within their respective Black communities.

The confronting depiction of racial prejudice and the reactions to that prejudice within that film ore worth focusing on as plor points, however, the richness in the film stems from the depictions of community/culture making from the diasporic residents of London at that time.

We'd like to watch with you all at Bor Bario, as part of our Sonic Lectures is a vibe series. We want to gather with others, as we watch this film, to think together about what it means to relate to immaterial concepts and attitudes such as ‚vibe and ‚coolness"?

What roles do such (im)material concepts play in cultural and artistic productions and proctices? And how is this expressed within urban arts & culture or society? Let's talk!

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